1·S tomato lamp calls attention to the amount of natural resources needed to produce even the smallest amount of power for everyday living.
2·Six table lamp s. three end tables. one piano.
3·The N200's light is only 13.5 lumens on the high setting (a 60-watt incandescent bulb is 850 lumens). That's very dim, but it's comparable to a kerosene lamp.
一盏N200灯光亮最高能达到13.5流明(一只普通的60 W白炽灯有850流明),虽然有点暗,但跟煤油灯比起来还是绰绰有余的。
4·The night"s silence, like a deep lamp, is burning with the light of its milky way."
5·Should any ozone be generated from the operation of the lamp (s), it shall be carried away from the test specimens and operating personnel by an exhaust system.
6·Continuing along its path, this portion of s-polarized light would be reflected twice by the lamp reflector, and would finally be reflected perpendicularly, by the beam splitter, toward the LCD panel.
7·In this paper, the xenon lamp radiation light beam surface hardening technology, which was developed abroad in the early 1990's, was summarized.
8·Install inside component: Omnipotent change-over switch, press the button, an ampere meter, Indicator lamp wait, can load other instruments with according to user "s request."